You know it just occurred to me this morning that I don't think I've typed this out anywhere yet. (Except on my message board... I love you girls!) Anywhoo...
Thursday July 10th 2008, I started having contractions at about 8am. After like an hour of having about them 5 minutes apart, I e-mailed the twins moms, and told her that I might be calling her to come get them. About 9:30ish I called my Dr and told him what was going on, and he wanted to come in so he could check me. So I called the twins mom (I didn't have "Grabby" that day.) and told her she needed to come. Then I called Geoff and told him that I was going to see the Dr.
I get to the office, Dr. W checks me and I'm only 1cm dilated. So he suggests I go home, and try to labor there... which I gladly agreed with!
So back at home... Me Caidy my sister Steph and her daughter Kaylee (3 months younger than Caidy) sit around and watch Lifetime movies. The contractions are still coming about 5 minuets apart, but are getting VERY uncomfortable now. So around 4pm I tell Steph that I'm going to try to lay in bed for a bit. Steph and Kaylee go back next door, and just as I'm about to go next door my friend Christina (one of my message board ladies <3) calls and asks "Is there a baby falling out of your vagina yet?!" I tell her no and we talk for another few minutes and then hang up. Just before she called (like as the phone was ringing) I had another contraction.. while talking to her I had another, then I went upstairs and went into the bathroom to pee.. had another one. They're coming about 3 minutes apart now. I call my Dr and they say go to the ER. So I called Steph and told her to come back and bring me in. She was like "What?? You just told me you were going to lie down.." (it had only been about 10 minutes since she left... I guess getting my fat ass up off the couch and walking up the stairs got things moving along! LOL) So she said she'd be right over, and I called Geoff and said you need to get home like now. He tells me he's on his way!
**SIDE NOTE!** My husband is a CDL truck driver, he drives the flat bed for Lowes. **
So Me, Steph and Caidy get into the car and Steph starts driving like a crazy person to the hospital. I tell her to chill out, I'm not going to have the baby in the car. She still looks panicked, but says OK and slows down. We get to the ER and I get a wheel chair, and my Bug sits in my lap. We talk to the ER nurse and then start to head upstairs. After Steph slammed the wheelchair into a few walls the nurse walking us up asks if she could take over. We finally get into the elevator and get to the maternity floor. ( the nurse had let us into the elevator and left) So Steph slams me into the doorway of the elevator, then we get out and go to the nurses station and they put me right into a room. It's just before 5pm by now. Steph and Caidy hang out for a bit, then Steph takes Caidy to the play area. Geoff walks in a few minutes later and tells me that he drove his truck right to the hospital!
So I'm all hooked up to the machine so they can monitor Gavin's HB, and stuff... Then Geoff asks me if I want to sit in the jacuzzi tub and I say yes. So I get in the tub and hang out there for a bit, and Geoff sits near the tub. All of a sudden Gavin decides to do a flip IN THE MIDDLE OF A CONTRACTION! Man that felt weird! My whole belly moved! After a few more minutes I get out of the tub and back into the bed. Dr. W comes in and checks me and I'm 9cm.. He decides to break my water and about 2 minutes after that I tell them I need to start pushing. The nurse tells me to wait and I'm like WHAT?!?! I couldn't help it and I started pushing anyway. The nurse puts her hand on my whoo-ha (his little head is already coming out) and tells me to breath and stop pushing, the Dr was still getting ready. I'm thinking What the fuck?!? Wait!?! Get over here and get this kid out! So after what seemed like 45 minutes of watching Dr. W put his gloves on and whatever the hell else he was doing (it was probably only like 2 minutes. lol) he comes back over and I push maybe 3 times and out he comes! Gavin was born at 5:52pm 7lbs 11oz! I pushed for a total of 6 minutes! Also just like with Caidy I had no pain meds of any kind!
About 5 minutes after he was born my sister came back in with Caidy, they had gone to the Cafeteria so she could get Caidy some supper. They walked in and Steph was like Holy Crap that was fast!! :D
Caidy has milk on her shirt... lol