Thursday, December 4, 2008


I've been wanting to write down certain or weird dreams I have for a while, but I always forget and 1 I have shitty handwriting and B I hate to actually write things... lol Anyway sometimes I remember a few dreams from one night... Like little mini movies.
I have A LOT of very strange, funny, random dreams... SO here's what happened in dreamland last night!

First one...
My husband got up for work and then kept coming back into the room to tell/show me things. *** He works Tuesday- Saturday and gets up at 5am except for Tuesdays and Thursdays when he gets up at 4am** So he keeps coming in and telling me that he's doing dishes, or he's doing something on the computer.... Then I hear a LOUD noise.. I'm like what in the fuck is he doing out there now?! He comes in and tells me that he's ripping out the baseboards... So I said WTF?! Don't you have to go to work?? He tells me that he still has a few minutes before he has to leave. I sit up and say WHY are you doing this now?? I have kids coming in here at 7:30 and the baseboards are all ripped off the walls and there's shit everywhere! Then he just says "Ooh! I need to go to work now!" Then he leaves....
That dream ends.... lol

Next dream...
I'm walking around in my back yard... but it's not my back yard. I'm holding Gavin... then all of a sudden something starts moving in a bush near me. I step back a little and watch. Out pops a little yellow duck! *** For those of you that don't know I LOVE ducks!*** So it waddles up to us and I back away a little just because I don't know how it's going to act.... Then IT GROWLS at me!! So I'm like shhhiiit! What kind of creepy ass duck is this?! Just as I'm about to turn around and get away from it, it jumps up, lands on my chest and knocks me down. I tried to get up but I couldn't... So I'm laying there, holding Gavin and there's this little duck sitting on my chest... Then it just looks at me and I swear it looked like it smiled, then it hops off and happily quacks around in the yard. So I'm like ooookkkk... and I get up and slowly back way. It follows me and ends up coming into my house. Geoff looks at it and says "You should probably put some papers down in case he has to crap or something." *** This would not be a normal response from him... He would of been like WTF? We're not keeping a duck! LOL** So the duck moves in and is like my little shadow... It follows me all around and never lets me out of it's sight! Even in the shower! (Can you imagine taking a shower with a friggin duck?! LOL) So that was the end of that one....

The last dream I remember was just a quick little thing about me walking down to the store with my dad**** My moms house has a store like a 5 minute walk from the house, it has a little garage next to it where they fix cars*** When we get to the store my dad tells me to go ahead and wait at the store. So I go, and I see in the reflection in the door at the store, that he's talking to a few guys at the garage and he hands them some money and they hand him little rolled up pieces of paper..... So then we go into the store buy some shit and walk out. We're walking away and he says "What are you wearing? You smell like flowers..." I look at him and just say "Yea, well you smell like pot!" Then people start laughing... o_O like a laugh track on a TV show. My dad puts his arm around my shoulder, laughs a little and says "Yea..." Then the dream like fades out...

So... Theres a few of my weird ass dreams....

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