Yes that's my back yard...
OK so I pretty much hate winter.... Don't get me wrong, the snow is pretty... and it's nice to have it on the ground for Christmas... but I hate being cold! I hate walking through slushy parking lots, I hate having to bundle up, I hate having my feet be cold and wet... it SUCKS! I'm a tank top and jeans, bare foot kind of girl... so winter is just really annoying. I still wear tank tops, pretty much all year round, but of course when I go out I have to throw on a hoodie or a stupid jacket. Oh and socks! I hate to wear socks.... If I lived in Florida... Oh I would love that! I would be barefoot or have flip flops on all the time! OK done with my "I hate Winter" rant... :D
Now on to happy stuff!! I can't believe Christmas will be here in just 2 days!!! It came so quick! We are going up to the lake for Christmas Eve and I can't wait!! I can't wait to put out cookies and milk for Santa and some carrots for the Reindeer! I can't wait for Caidy to wake up on Christmas morning to find out that Santa put a stocking full of goodies on her bed! I can't wait to watch her and Kaylee (my niece) tear into their gifts!!! This is going to be such an awesome Christmas!!
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